eParaksts Latvijā

Latvia is a Baltic country that is doing very well with digital identity and qualified electronic signatures. eID and eSignatures are widely used for accessing government systems, bank login and payment confirmations, logging to the utility companies, insurance companies, online …

eIDAS digital signature profiles

eIDAS standard can have multiple digital signature profiles. These mean how much proof is embedded into the signature metadata for later validation. Following table contains summary of supported eIDAS digital signature profiles XAdES CAdES PAdES STANDARD BASELINE STANDARD BASELINE STANDARD …

CEF eSignature building block “Hello World”

CEF eSignature building block is very powerful tool. However it is daunting task to get started with it. Because of the complexity most of the smaller development agencies reject all project that has qualified electronic signature component. There are also …

eID technology and credits

Technology Here is listed some of the tools, frameworks and technologies we are working to achieve secure user identification and creating digital signatures. Apache2 web server which has great built in support for Client Certificate Authentication. This means that it …

Are national eID cards violating your privacy?

People are often confusing eID related topics that are not one and the same. Not knowing all the facts makes them scared of their privacy. Lets clarify some questions that I have seen people to be misunderstanding. Using national eID …

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