Local certificates can be signature certificates on the national ID cards, USB tokens, smart cards and even pfx files that can be imported to Windows certificate store or MacOS keychain.

In order to create digital signatures with these local certificates special middleware software is needed that allows websites to talk to these certificates.

Configuring your computer

During signature you will be asked to grant access to your local certificates before you can start signing.

If needed you can read more about the Trust1Connector middleware from here https://t1t.gitbook.io/t1c-js-guide-v3/core/downloading-latest-trust1connector

This integration allows signing documents among others with following USB tokens and Smart Cards

Smart Card / TokenMac OSXWindows
AET Smartcard
Aladdin Knowledge Systems eToken Pro 64k (4.2)
Athena ASEPCOS-TS/CNS 1.81
Athena ASEPCOS-TS/CNS 1.81
Athena ASEPCOS-TS/CNS 1.82
Athena IDProtect – Cryptographic Java Card
Athena IDProtect Smart Card Logon Card
AzeDIT 3.5 cold
Brazilian Medical Identity Card
Datakey 32K PKI Smart Card Model 330
Digital Signature Costa Rica (eID)
FT ePass2003Auto
FT ePass2003Auto
Gemalto IDBridge CT30
Gemalto IDClassic 340
Gemalto IDClassic 340
Gemalto IDPrime .NET
Gemalto IDPrime MD
Gemalto IDPrime MD 840 (PKI)
Gemalto IDPrime v2+ .NET
Giesecke & Devrient StarSign USB Token
Gnuk OpenPGP Token (PKI)
GoldKey Security PIV Token
ID Prime 940
IDEMIA ID-One CNS V2 on Cosmo V9.1
Incard J-Sign 2048
Incard J-Sign 2048
Individual Number Card
Infocamere CNS
Italian healtcare card (TS) National Service Card (CNS) (HealthCare)
National Identity Document: Belgian eID
National Identity Document: Broken Estonian eID 1.1 warm
National Identity Document: Czech eID (since 7/2018)
National Identity Document: Estonian eID
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 1.0 cold
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 1.0 cold
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 1.0 cold 2006
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 1.0 warm 2006
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 1.1 cold
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 3.0 (18.01.2011) warm
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 3.0 (dev1) cold
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 3.0 (dev1) warm
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 3.0 (dev2) warm
National Identity Document: Estonian eID 3.5 cold
National Identity Document: Nigerian eID
National Identity Document: Republic of Lithuania eID
National Identity Document: Slovak eID
National Identity Document: Spanish eID
National Service Card (CNS)
Nitrokey Nitrokey HSM
Nonus SmartNonus [BR]
PIVKey SLE78 (28)
PivKey T600
PivKey T800
Rutoken ECP (DS)
SafeNet 5110 (940 B)
SafeNet eToken 5100
SafeNet eToken 5110
SafeNet eToken 5110cc
Safran Morpho YpsID S3
Safran Morpho YpsID S3 – French Customs
Siemens Card CardOS M4.4
StarSign Crypto USB Token
Telia EID IP5a (eID)
USG:Department of Veterans Affairs
USG:Executive Office of the President
Yubico Yubikey 4 OTP+U2F+CCID
Yubico Yubikey 4 OTP+U2F+CCID
Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID
GDPR Badge BVCER ISO 27001 eIDAS eID Easy Google for Startups