eIDAS digital signature profiles

eIDAS standard can have multiple digital signature profiles. These mean how much proof is embedded into the signature metadata for later validation. Following table contains summary of supported eIDAS digital signature profiles XAdES CAdES PAdES STANDARD BASELINE STANDARD BASELINE STANDARD BASELINE XAdES-BES XAdES-B CAdES-BES CAdES-B PAdES-BES PAdES-B XAdES-EPES CAdES-EPES PAdES-EPES Read more…

eID technology and credits

Technology Here is listed some of the tools, frameworks and technologies we are working to achieve secure user identification and creating digital signatures. Apache2 web server which has great built in support for Client Certificate Authentication. This means that it will request end user to present certificate from his ID Read more…

Qualified digital signature not recognized. Missing Root CA certificate

After upgrading to new computer with Ubuntu 20.04 I managed to see such error “1 signature is unknown!”. SignatureXAdES_LTA.cpp:198 Signature validationSignatureXAdES_B.cpp:738 Unable to verify signing certificateX509CertStore.cpp:351 unable to get local issuer certificate:0OCSP.cpp:308 Certificate status: unknown Issue happens because openssl version 1.1.1f that is included in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS https://github.com/open-eid/libdigidocpp/issues/341 Building Read more…

Portugese Cartão de Cidadão electronic identification online

Portugal national ID card certification chain is quite interesting and complex. There are 2 root certificates. ECRaizEstado.crt is signed by Baltimore CyberTrust Root, that can be downloaded from https://www.digicert.com/CACerts/BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt. Serial Number: 120050507 (0x727d34b)Issuer: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust RootValidityNot Before: Sep 9 17:40:12 2015 GMTNot After : Sep 30 17:39:11 Read more…

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