Svenska (Swedish)

During early summer Norwegian BankID was included among those e-signing methods that are available through eID Easy’s aggregator service. This menas that Norwegian BankID users are now able to sign documents electronically together with signers in other countries and regions – each using their own e-signing methods.

Earlier during the year Danish MitID and Swedish BankID was also included as e-signing methods. Finnish internet banks and certificate cards (citizen certificate/id card, organisation card, health care sector card) are also included since earlier.

Signing with norwegian BankID has a clear advantage: similarly as with Finnish FINeID cards, the signing is done based on the signer’s own, personal signing certificate, and not with a generic e-seal. This allows for long-term validation of the signature, independently of the environment where it was produced.

The signing certificate for Norwegian BankID is qualified in accordance with the eIDAS regulation, and the created signature is an advanced signature based on a qualified certificate (AdES-QC).

On our demo page, you can test it in action: upload a document, and sign with your Norwegian BankID. The uploaded document may contain formerly made e-signatures, and new ones may be added later. For Norwegian BankID, as for all of our integrated e-signing methods, the crucial e-signing requirement is met: when a new e-signature is added, any previous ones already existing in the document, are always kept intact.

Here you can find an overview over our integrated e-signing methods, their level classification and pricing:

Do you have further questions, enquiries and requirements regarding integrating and using e-signing methods? Contact us!

Svenska (Swedish)

Categories: e-ID

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